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At Elmgrove we intend to develop a fun, practical and engaging high-quality curriculum empowers and motivates children to develop a lifelong love of science, inspiring all learners to be critical thinkers, and are confident to ask ‘Big Questions’ and who are well-prepared for their future in the ever-changing world.

We intend to build a Science curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and build a Science curriculum which, enables children to become enquiry-based learners. We also intend to ignite a passion for the sciences in our diverse school community and within the children we serve, changing the picture of what children think scientists look like. We have an enthusiastic staff at Elmgrove who are not afraid of the challenge of teaching practical science, and we integrate it in to our curriculum at every possible opportunity to investigate, observe and experiment in the world around them.

The impact of the science curriculum will be : 

  • Most children will achieve age related expectations in Science at the end of their cohort in line with objectives.
  • Children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to Science with a real-life context.
  • Children will be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge.
  • Children will work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment.
  • Children will feel confident to ask questions, suggest answers to questions and use scientific vocabulary when talking about their learning.
  • Children will feel confident to talk about their learning in science.



A clear and comprehensive science overview in line with the National Curriculum shows where teaching and learning shows progression across all key stages within the strands of Science.  The Science overview allows there to be opportunities for  investigations and practical activities in lesson. Children have access to knowledge organisers for each topic to understand and readily apply to their written and verbal communication of skills they have learnt and help to develop their understanding of how to work scientifically.

There are opportunities each term for children to develop their investigative skills focusing on different aspects of enquiry. Children will be able to build on prior knowledge and link ideas together, enabling them to question and become enquiry- based learners. We will incorporate the use of technology where appropriate. Lessons are  practically led as much as possible.  

Children are challenged in a variety of ways: Work may be differentiated to give certain children a further challenge. Questions can be asked to children to further their individual knowledge and work on the extra information they may know.

Assessing in Science

Science is assessed as a core subject in our school with all classes reporting in standards in Science each term. National data is published for end of each key stage at the end of the academic year in Year 2 and 6. EYFS also reports on scientific attainment at the end of Reception using the understanding of the world statements from the Early Years Framework. Attainment is assessed each half-term through related topic assessment tasks. Teachers use pre- and post-assessment tasks to measure this.

Visits and Workshops

All of our children have the opportunity to experience a wide range of trips and visits linked to Science throughout their time at Elmgrove. Visits include visiting Kew Gardens, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum. Previously we have had workshops from the Chelsea Physic Garden, Ranger Stu and have had STEM ambassadors visiting classes to share their experiences of working within scientific careers. 

Science Week

At Elmgrove, we are proud of the work we complete in science. Every year we join the nation to celebrate the achievements scientists have made across the globe. This year, the theme of Science Week is ‘Connections’. 

Science Week at Elmgrove took part from 14th to 18th March 2022. We engaged in lessons hosted by the National Farmer’s Union on the topic of Growth, Year 6 have created incredible posters which will be entered into a national competition and we created displays from Year 1 - 6 to show what we have been learning throughout the year.

Please follow the links below to see an overview of the work our year groups completed. 

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6