Year Group Updates - Years 1 & 3

Year 1
Year 1 have been learning about the weather and how it changes throughout the year. We discussed wind and how it changes both direction and speed. Children made kites and we went outside to see which direction the wind was blowing. We will go outside next week to see if the wind is still blowing in the same direction.
Year 1 have also been learning about numbers to 20. We learnt how to read, write and make the numbers 11, 12 and 13 using a range of resources.
We have also started to look at different types of houses including detached, semi- detached, bungalows, flats and cottages. Children then drew and labelled their own houses and labelled features they could remember.
This term children will be looking at different houses from the past and identifying which features are the same and different both inside and outside the houses.
In art, we have learnt about the artist Brianna McCarthy. We learnt a little about her life growing up in Trinidad and Tobago and how she uses collage to communicate and create portraits.
Children have also started in their new phonics groups. They will continue to learn new sounds and words as well as reading stories and creating some writing linked to the stories. All children have been allocated an activity on Oxford Owl to complete at home.
Year 3
This week Year 3 have begun exploring the captivating text ‘Cinderella of the Nile’. As part of our reading journey, we have examined various illustrations from the book, using them as a basis for making thoughtful inferences about the story. Our focus has also been on the main character, Rhodopis. The children engaged in brainstorming creative and descriptive ideas to craft an exciting character description. Next week, we will delve deeper into the narrative by enacting key scenes from the story. This will allow us to explore the characters’ emotional journey and experiences.
In our Maths lessons, we have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by a 1-digit number both with and without exchange! The children have shown fantastic resilience and determination in their learning. We have also started linking multiplication and division facts. These are some of the key questions we have discussed in class
- What is the same and what is different about the two calculations?
- How can you show the calculation using place value counters/ base 10?
- How is multiplying by 10s different from multiplying by 1s?
- What division facts do you know by using the fact × =?
This week we have been learning about how Ancient Egyptian society was organized like a pyramid! Each level of society had different roles and we learned about the important jobs people had thousands of years ago. At the very top of the pyramid was the Pharaoh, the ruler of Ancient Egypt, who was seen as a god on Earth. Below the Pharaoh were the priests, who were responsible for keeping the gods happy through rituals and ceremonies. We looked at the roles of officials and talked about artisans, the skilled workers who created beautiful artwork, jewellery and tools that we still admire today. Our classes had great discussions about how everyone’s role helped keep Ancient Egypt thriving for thousands of years!
In our Science lessons, we have been exploring the exciting topic of nutrition and the different food groups. We have been discovering how each food group helps our bodies stay healthy and strong.
The children asked some fantastic questions about staying healthy, such as how we can get all the nutrients we need and why they are important. It's been great to see their curiosity and interest in understanding the role of food in keeping us healthy!