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March 2024

  • Science Week Competition Winners

    Published 28/03/24

    These are the winning entries for the for the Science Week competition of designing a poster to demonstrate Time. Each child received a certificate and Easter egg in Thursday's assembly. Well done to all of you!

    Alyona S 3R.jpgMalaya W 1K_a.jpg

    Malaya W 1K_b.jpgKarina B 3R.jpg

    Peter Y 2G.jpgRihana P 6L.jpg

    Shaurya M 1B.jpgSoraya P 4H_a.jpgSoraya P 4H_b.jpg

    IMG_2245 (Large).jpeg

    IMG_2255 (Large).jpeg

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  • Aylward 24 Game Competition

    Published 22/03/24

    On Friday 22nd March 2024, six children from both Year 5 and Year 6 (Rihana 6L, Danish 6B, Abdul 6B, Maria 6B, Abdul 5ST, Masih 5G) took part in the Aylward 24 Game Competition. We started training in January and attended a club after school every Friday where we would play against each other. At home, we also trained using the 24 games cards that we were allowed to take with us. We trained at home for at least 20 minutes every day. On Friday 15th March 2024, Mr Gorsia orangised a 24 game showcase event after school. Adults from across the school came to 6 Burman to observe and test our speed and skills. We enjoyed the showcase as it was a chance for us to show the adults in the school how much work and dedication we had put into training for the 24 Game. Thank you to all of the adults who were able to come to the showcase.

    In the competition, there were 5 rounds in total, that lasted 7 minutes each. Each table had a Bentley Wood student from Year 9 who acted as a referee for the competition. As a school, Elmgrove won 1st place with ease, which meant we had won the trophy 3 years in a row. In the 5th round, the top four players would go to a table and compete to see who was the best individual player at the 24 Game. All the students on the top table came from Elmgrove, which meant 1st, 2nd and 3rd place was won only by students from our school. It felt amazing to see that after months of training that we had achieved 1st place as a team representing Elmgrove. Thank you to all of the adults that sacrificed their time to take us on this trip and trained us to win. We had an excellent time competing and enjoyed our victory.

    Written by Maria 6B and Rihana 6L



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  • Year 3 Growing Workshop

    Published 08/03/24

    This week, Year 3 had ‘Growing Workshops’ led by London Community Kitchen to support their Science Curriculum. They learnt about sustainability, created their own herb garden and investigated what plants need to grow. They were also treated to a book about gardening and harvesting. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed their workshop. They are excited to be urban farmers, look after their little plants and watch them grow.




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March 2024