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Covid Catch-Up Premium

The government has announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up. Schools’ allocations are calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in Reception through to Year 6.

This means we will receive approximately £61,000 this year to help us support our pupils. Schools have to use this funding for specific approaches to support their pupils to catch up for lost learning over the previous months. Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances. To support us to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation has published a support guide for schools with evidence based approaches to catch up for all pupils. We have considered this when planning our approach for the use of this funding.

Barrier to getting pupils back on track:

  • Loss of learning due to school closure
  • Pupil attitudes to learning and resilience and stamina to access learning for longer periods of time
  • Changes in behaviour, including anxiety
  • Pupils not being able to make links to previous learning
  • Phonics knowledge and application for pupils in EYFS and KS1
  • Lack of foundations of learning in Early Years

What we plan to do:

  • Purchase 90 laptops for pupils to use in school /during a bubble closure
  • Pay for additional booster interventions for targeted groups within the Year 6 cohort.
  • Pay for additional TA support to assist with phonics interventions for targeted groups within the Year 1 cohort.
  • Subsidise the cost of an additional teacher 2 days a week, providing out of class intervention for children in maths in Yr 2
  • To access support from the National Tutoring Programme as well as other agencies. Funded support will include 1:1 and small group RW groups, pre- and after school sessions (maths); other 1:1 and small group maths, reading and writing sessions for pupils in yr2-6.
  • Subscribe as a school to Reading Eggs website